COMMUNITY GIFT – Middlemount Community Sports Association

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This month the Components Only and @ The Coalface $500 Community Gift goes to the Middlemount Community Sports Association, a not-for-profit group dedicated to providing multi-sport opportunities and events for the region – including the not to be missed Box Gully Trail Run!

Get ready to lace up your running shoes and embrace the great outdoors because the Box Gully Trail Run is back. After the success of last year’s inaugural event, this year’s trail run promises to be even bigger and better, with more trails and exciting activities for the whole family. Mark your calendars for Sunday, July 23 as the picturesque Box Gully, located on May Downs Rd, becomes the backdrop for a day of thrilling races and community camaraderie.

Participants will have a range of trail options to choose from, catering to different fitness levels and preferences. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just looking for a fun-filled family outing, there’s something for everyone. The trail distances include 2km, 5km, 10km, 20km, and 40km, winding through the stunning landscapes of Box Gully’s tableland and brigalow country. For those seeking a competitive edge, relays and timed racing categories are available. It truly is an all-ages and all-abilities event, promoting inclusivity and healthy living within the community.

What makes this event even more special is that all funds raised will go towards supporting the Middlemount Community Sports Association (MCSA). By participating in the Box Gully Trail Run, or making a donation, you are directly contributing to the growth and development of MCSA, ensuring that they can continue to deliver exceptional sports experiences to the community.

If you’re excited about the Box Gully Trail Run and want to be part of this fantastic community event, there are numerous ways to get involved. Whether you can offer assistance, big or small, or simply want to register for the run, reach out to Kim at or message the event’s official page. Remember, every contribution counts, and together we can ensure the success of this event, bringing visitors to our region and creating unforgettable experiences for participants and spectators alike.

Last year’s Box Gully Trail Run was a tremendous success, attracting 150 enthusiastic participants and raising close to $7,500 for MCSA. These funds were crucial in improving MCSA’s infrastructure and benefiting the wider community. With your support, this year’s event is poised to be even more impactful, empowering MCSA to continue its outstanding work in fostering community sports and engagement.

So, gather your friends, family, and running buddies and get ready to hit the trails at the Box Gully Trail Run 2023. Whether you choose to run, walk, or cheer from the sidelines, it’s an event you won’t want to miss. Let’s come together as a community, celebrate our beautiful region, and make a difference, one step at a time.

The Middlemount Community Sports Association extends its heartfelt gratitude to the generous supporters who have made this event possible. Special thanks go to Anglo American, AMWU Capcoal Branch, Foxleigh Mine, Middlemount Coal, Isaac Regional Council, @Ag Middlemount and Essex, plus to all the individuals who have contributed their time and resources. Their support demonstrates the strong community spirit that exists in Middlemount and showcases the power of collaboration in making positive change happen.

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