OPINION: Here to Help the Hunter

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It’s official, I have finally been declared the new Federal Member for Hunter.

I want to thank Clare and all the phenomenal AEC staff who have worked so hard over the last month in the service of our electorate, our country, and our democracy.

It is a tremendous honour to represent the people of Hunter, and to fight for the better future you deserve. Whoever you voted for, my team and I are here to help.

Throughout the campaign I worked tirelessly to meet and speak with as many residents and businesses as I could across the Hunter electorate. 

As your local Federal Member, I will continue to work just as hard and be accessible to everyone who wants to raise federal issues with me.

I will be having regular street stalls, markets, forums, meetings and functions across the Hunter electorate so I can continue to hear about issues that are important to you.

Since the election a month, I have been limited in what I could do, but I have been meeting with a number of important stakeholders to keep up to date with what is happening in our area.

Now that I have been officially declared the new Member, the real work starts. I will be making sure that all of the issues and commitments are followed up and delivered.

I’ll be working hard to make sure that our communities have their voices heard in Canberra, and that our region gets the services and infrastructure we need to help our communities grow and thrive.

In the coming weeks I will be meeting with Ministers, stakeholders and representatives from State and Local Government to work on delivering important infrastructure projects like the Singleton and Muswellbrook bypasses, the Mandalong Road upgrade, the Medicare Urgent Care Clinic at Cessnock Hospital, the Carmichael Park BMX Park at Bellbird, and the Cessnock Regional Skate Park on Mount View Road.

Last week, we saw the announcement by BHP that they will close the Mount Arthur mine in 2030. 

I appreciate BHP being upfront with the workers and the community about the future of the Mount Arthur coal mine. BHP signaled its divestment intentions for its coal assets in 2020, and this announcement gives some certainty for workers and the community for the next 8 years.

There is now a clear pathway that sets out the future operations and planned rehabilitation of the mine after its closure in 2030.

I will be working with the highest levels within the Albanese Government to make sure the Hunter doesn’t miss out on opportunities now and into the future.

As I have been out and about people have been raising the cost of living pressures with me.

Our plan for a better future will mean creating secure, well-paid jobs, making our future here with local manufacturing, strengthening Medicare and making child care cheaper

We have already seen the first steps towards real wage growth with the Fair Work Commission handing down a 5.2% wage increase to workers on the minimum wage.

There is more to do, and I have hit the ground running.

My office is now up and running and open to the public. I look forward to hearing from you and working with our community to deliver for the Hunter.

Dan Repacholi MP

Federal Member for Hunter

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