I don’t know many people who don’t enjoy a massage, whether it is something intense like a remedial massage or a hand massage at the nail salon. But have you ever heard of a Japanese Head Spa?
As the name suggests the head spa gained popularity in Japan and thanks to the power of social media gained traction all around the world. The idea is that the massage nourishes and cleanses your scalp and hair – basically a facial for your scalp.
The benefits include strengthening your hair follicles, stimulating blood flow (which can aid in hair regrowth), help reduce dandruff, ease headaches and tension, and cleanse the scalp and hair.
‘Gorgeous Newcastle’ was the first salon in Newcastle to offer the treatment that leaves you feeling renewed and refreshed.
There are three different packages you can choose from with varying levels of massages and treatments. We chose the Luxury Package that included a deep clean shampoo and hair mask, scalp detox massage, upper body massage and a facial.
After a quick questionnaire about the state of my scalp and skin, we headed into the spa room where you get changed into a robe and lay down under a warm blanket on the spa bed.
My lovely masseuse placed a warm eye mask on me and I shut my eyes and settled in for an hour of relaxation.
She started with a massage of my scalp, not only using her fingers but also a nifty little tool that vibrates and moves around your scalp in a circular motion – it feels amazing!
Then we move onto my neck and face. A bit of a massage and a facial and the face massage was heavenly. I often get headaches and so the massage in and around my temples soothed all the tension right out of my head. The face massage finished off with a sheet mask that stayed on throughout most of rest of the head spa.
My chest and shoulders got a really good massage before it was back to my hair with a shampoo and hair mask and scalp detox. The nicest feeling was having the water running through my hair while she massaged my scalp – incredibly relaxing.
After that it was time for my arms and hands to get a goo rub. I head to the gym most days and on this particular occasion my arm muscles were quite sore so the massage was very much needed! You let your masseuse know how firm or soft you want the massage before you start, I always ask for firm and it was perfect!
With my arms and hands relaxed it was back to my head to finish off the treatment.
Cold stones across my face and a rinse of my hair before it was all wrapped up in a towel. I sat up so my back and shoulders could be cleaned off with a little massage of my back and traps while they were at it and then sadly that was the end of the treatment. But boy did I feel relaxed!
You don’t just leave with wet hair either, you can blow-dry your own hair or the ladies will do it for you, have a quick foot soak and enjoy some nibblies before you’re all set and ready to continue on with your day.
My hair stayed beautiful and soft for a couple of days and never felt so clean. The only downside was the next time I washed it all I could think was how much of a chore it was to do now it by myself!
For more info and to book your Japanese Head Spa: https://www.gorgeousnewcastle.com.au/ |