Bengalla has once again thrown its support behind the wellbeing of its workforce and the wider community, unveiling a mine truck emblazoned with the Where There’s a Will logo.
The Upper Hunter Where There’s a Will (WTAW) Foundation is committed to bringing colour to lives, and thanks to this partnership with Bengalla another important community project is being funded.
As well as unveiling the new haul truck, Bengalla presented WTAW with a $3000 donation, which will be used to help fund the Visible Wellbeing Coach who will support schools throughout the Upper Hunter to achieve their wellbeing plans.
“Bengalla’s relationship with WTAW foundation goes back a few years and forms a strong part of our commitment to a healthy workforce and community,” Bengalla Mining Company Maintenance Manager Warwick Gloster said.
The new haul truck is a colourful and constant visual reminder about the importance of good mental health, wellbeing and looking out for each other.
“Previously our Mine Maintenance Team have painted a Dragline bucket in the WTAW logo to go along with sponsorship for the worthy work that the incredible people at WTAW do in our local community,” Mr Gloster said.
“This year the Mine Maintenance Team decided to have the logo painted on one of our new Hitachi EH5000AC-3 Haul Truck Bodies where it would last a lot longer and be seen by many more people (employees and contractors) as a reminder that there are foundations in our local community that help our children. This has been even more prevalent in the past couple of years with the global pandemic we have all worked through.”
“We have also been fortunate to have one of our employees, Mikayla Sumner, become one of Muswellbrook’s WTAW Well-being Superspreaders. This month we presented WTAW with a donation to support the great work they do in the community. We also had our General Manager Cam Halfpenny speak to the partnership we have with WTAW and Mikayla also spoke of the work she is doing and the life lessons that others can take a leaf out of.”
“A special thanks to Polly and Jane from WTAW who spoke about the benefits of having conversations with the young adults in our lives. Once again, Bengalla is proud to be able to display the WTAW logo and message on one of our assets that will be in the business for many years to come.”
WTAW works with schools and the community to improve mental health and wellbeing. Its focus is on positive education, prevention through education, and helping to create a mentally fit and flourishing Upper Hunter community. To learn more go to |