Mining companies are among the top corporate givers in Australia, donating over a billion dollars last year. Supporting everything from health, education, environment, disaster relief, inclusion, innovation, infrastructure and human rights. From small grassroots local organisations to global charities, the support comes in many forms such as donations, workplace giving and grants. But for many of these organisations, raising awareness of the work they do is equally important. That’s why this month we are proud to showcase some of the equipment that you will find on our mining sites, a hard to miss reminder of these important partnerships!

Glencore – Mt Owen/Glendell Complex
The Mt Owen/Glendell Complex proudly features The Salvation Army Australia’s logo on their bucket. The Salvation Army helps disadvantaged Australians without discrimination, including people who are hungry, homeless, abandoned or abused.

Yancoal – Moolarben Coal
Moolarben’s truck tray is in support of the Pink Up Mudgee project, which raises awareness and funds for the McGrath Foundation, helping them fund McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities right across Australia.

Whitehaven – Maules Creek Mine
The excavation bucket is a demonstration of Whitehaven’s commitment to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service (WRHS), helping to keep this vital service in the air and saving lives.

Credit: Peter Stoop Photography
Hunter Valley Operations
HVO have gone all out in recent months, painting trucks trays to cement partnerships with five organisations; Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service, Hunter Prostate Cancer Alliance, Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation, Type 1 Foundation and Singleton Family Support. Each of the charities were chosen because they make a positive difference to the health and welfare of the community.

New Hope Group – Bengalla Mine
Bengalla’s bucket is proudly emblazoned with the Where There’s a Will logo, a community led and funded charity focused on increasing community wellbeing and improving mental health in the Upper Hunter.

Glencore – Glendell Open Cut
Glencore’s partnership with Lifeline Hunter was cemented with their 793D mining truck tray proudly displaying the Lifeline logo. Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Whitehaven – Maules Creek Mine
The blue truck on site at Maule’s Creek is a visual reminder of prostate cancer. The most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, it is estimated that one in six males will be diagnosed by the time they are 85. However, early detection and treatment can significantly improve prostate cancer survival.

New Hope Group – Bengalla Mine
Bengalla’s DKH Bucket aims to bring awareness to the Black Dog Institute, an organisation dedicated to understanding, preventing and treating mental illness. Their research studies, education programs, digital tools and clinical services are aimed at fostering connections and creating real-world change.

Yancoal – Mount Thorley Warkworth (MTW)
Mount Thorley Warkworth’s bright pink dragline bucket is raising awareness and funds for the McGrath Foundation, helping them to place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities all across Australia.

Glencore – Bulga Coal
When converting their Hitachi EX8000 Model Excavator from a face shovel to a backhoe configuration, Bulga Coal also took the opportunity to paint it in the colours of OpenDoor at Singleton Neighborhood Center, a place that is dedicated to providing support, resources, and a sense of belonging to members of the local community.

United Wambo Joint Venture
United Wambo Joint Venture (UWJV) truck is covered in the handprints of their worker’s families, as a daily reminder about the importance of safety and what we all go to work for and come home for.