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Gunnedah Lions @ The Coalface

Every community relies on its local Lions Club and in Gunnedah the Lions Club has been tirelessly raising money for the community for over six decades. So, this month we are giving them the Complete Parts and @ The Coalface $500 Community Gift, helping them to do what they do best – help others.

Lions Australia has been around for 75 years with the first club formed in Lismore in 1947. Since then, it has grown to be the country’s largest service club organisation with 25,000 members.

The Gunnedah Lions was chartered in 1958. They participate in regular fundraising activities including at The Gunnedah Annual Show running the canteen and bar and assisting the Gunnedah Rugby League Club by working in their canteen during home games. The club also runs the Annual Bird Expo and sale, runs the bar at AgQuip, and runs barbecues for several different organisations.

Martin Gurney has been the President for the last 12 months and has been involved for a decade.

“When I moved here, I bought a locksmith business and the bloke I bought it off was a member. I thought I’d join because it would be a good way to meet people.

“You enjoy it for entertainment and fellowship, you get to help the community out raising money for different groups. You make good friendships and take a bit of pride in what you do.”

Gunnedah Lions @ The Coalface

As well as helping at local events and for sporting groups, the local Lions have several major projects including the Curlewis Road rest stop, The Lions hospital park, The Mullaley Road toilet block, The Lions Hall at The Gunnedah Nursing Home and are a big contributor to the original G.S. Kidd school and the toilet block for the original Tourist Information Centre.

Some of the members of the Gunnedah Lions have been involved for decades.

Paul Hope is the longest serving member having clocked up 51 years, Graham Howes has been involved for 48 years, Neville Adams for 42, Stuart Muddle for 39 years and Ian Hartley has been a part of the club for 38 years.

“We have 18 members now, a lot are out of town and getting older so we’re always looking for younger members,” said Martin.

“You get help from other Lions Clubs; we help our neighbouring clubs if they need it. We had a visitor from Indonesia in the middle of last year who was over here working and traveling around and because he’s a member over there he came to our meetings and helped us out. We donated money to his club, for things like building materials to build shelters and things like that for people in need.”

The Club faced a setback earlier this year when $4,000 worth of food and equipment was stolen from their canteen at Gunnedah Showground. The Club was preparing for the annual Bird Show in April when the break-in happened.

Gunnedah Lions @ The Coalface

Thankfully they were able to do what they planned at the Bird Show, but it meant they couldn’t put as much money as they normally would into the community.

The Club didn’t let that phase them, continuing to raise money and service the community. Since its inception, the Gunnedah Lions have put more than $1 million back into their local community.

The Gunnedah Lions Club meet every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Railway Hotel in Gunnedah. If you would like to join, give the Membership Chairperson a call 0428 422 078

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