In Australia, if you’re gonna do something, then you bloody well do it BIG. That’s why we are proud to have hundreds of monster sized versions of everything from fruit to animals to outlaws. Yes, I’m talking about our iconic – and a little strange – fascination with super sizing roadside attractions. We’ve picked our favourite Big Icons for a road trip that will guarantee the ultimate in kitsch selfies.
The Big Chook – Moonbi NSW
The Big Chook can be attributed to Moonbi being a large poultry producing area. While The Big Chook might look a little like a homemade art project, you’d better respect it or you’ll end up with egg on your face.
The Big Bogan – Nyngan, NSW
It doesn’t get more Aussie than a 6-metre-tall bloke with a Southern Cross tattoo, Esky and fishing rod giving you a friendly thumbs up as you drive through Bogan Shire. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!

The Big Gumboot – Tully QLD
Originally a rubber boot was awarded to the Wettest Town in Australia. The Big Gumboot stands 7.9m high and represents the record annual town rainfall of 7900mm in 1950. At least the win won’t make them too big for their boots.

The Big Lobster – Kingston SA
Kingston isn’t just famous for excellent lobsters, but also the biggest. Standing an impressive 18.2m high this big icon is affectionally called Larry by the locals.

The Big Peanut – Atherton Parklands QLD
The Big Peanut Man welcomes visitors to Atherton Peanut Fruit Shop. Wearing a hat and a big smile, it definitely puts the nut in peanut.

The Big Potato – Robertson NSW
Robertson is a small township known for the rich soils which make it a prominent potato growing area, hence the 10-metre-long sculpture. Also known by nicknames The Big Spud and The Big Turd.

The Big Stubbie – Tewantin QLD
Tewantin wasn’t content with a ‘Big Shell’, so they have also put another ‘Big Thing’ on their map. The Big Stubbie was created from thousands of beer bottles and stubbies being concreted into the shape of one Big Stubbie.

The Big Wine Cask – Buronga NSW
The cask is 8m high, 11m long and 7m wide and could hold up to 400,000 litres of wine. Now where did I put my wine glass…

The Big Easel – Emerald QLD
The Central Highlands is not the first place you’d expect to see a Van Gogh. This huge replica of one of his Sunflowers paintings was erected in honour of the region’s sunflower growers. Luckily it’s too tall for the town’s graffiti artists.

The Big Cherries – Young NSW
Young is known as the cherry capital of Australia with people flocking to pick the fruit at harvest time. But this is one set of cherries that won’t be getting picked anytime soon.