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Broke Fordwich Wine and Tourism Association has receive a $10,000 boost to tourism efforts to showcase the region’s vibrant wineries, rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and unique experiences.

The funding, made possible through a partnership with Glencore’s Bulga Coal mine, will support marketing resources to attract more visitors to the region ahead of the bicentenary of the Broke and Bulga villages next year.

Karin Adcock, President of the Broke Fordwich Wine and Tourism Association, said it is exciting to see business and community coming together to support the region. 

“Broke Fordwich Wine and Tourism Association has a long-standing history of working with Bulga Coal on initiatives and projects that benefit the local area,” Karin said.

“Many local families either work in the mines or in the vines so it’s important to have a cohesive community where the two can coexist.”

“Bulga’s $10,000 donation will enhance our marketing efforts and help us to showcase the very best our region has to offer.”

Ralph Northey, Environment and Community Manager at Bulga Coal, said the partnership demonstrates a shared dedication to bolster local businesses, create more jobs and support the long-term future of the region. 

“Many local businesses in Broke and Bulga rely on having a healthy tourism industry with strong visitation,” Ralph said.

“Bulga Coal has been part of the community for over forty years, and we believe that by investing in local tourism we can positively contribute to the prosperity and growth of our community.”

For more information about Broke Fordwich Wine and Tourism Association visit:

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