Supplier Insider – Linked Group

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Tell us about the business.

Linked Group provides, trade services and renewable energy products to the Mining, Agriculture, Rail, Government and Transport Industry Sectors across Australia.

We are a vertically integrated company incorporating Energy, Manufacturing, Mining and Construction Divisions.

Our renewable energy products are manufactured in our OFF-Grid Manufacturing Facility in Paget and include the Linked EcoPort, a Solar Carport Solution and the Ec0G3N, a Portable Solar Generator. 

We have completed many successful electrical including Stacker Reclaimers, Lube Farms, Lighting Upgrades and Large Commercial Engineering Installations.

How long have you been doing business?

The business was established in January 2010 and has transitioned from majority Mining Services to Renewable Products Manufacture and Support

How many people work for the business?

We have more than 35 permanent staff including Specialised Engineers, Electricians, Boilermakers, Fitters and Administration.

Describe a typical day at ‘The office’.

A typical Day at the office for Linked involves managing multiple personnel and projects across our customer base from electrical installation and general fabrication works to onsite construction in every state of Australia. Also fielding numerous enquiries for our products and services.

What’s the best thing about the business?

The best thing about our business is how we continuously innovate. This is driven by the amazing people who work for us. We are always looking at how we can do things better and researching the latest technologies that can help our clients improve their return on investment and reduce operational costs.

The worst thing?

Trying to meet the ever-growing demand for our products and services. Sourcing skilled labour in an ever-competitive market.

What are the biggest challenges facing your business?

The biggest challenge is training our people with the skills required to deliver the unique product range that we offer. Upskilling trades people with renewable energy qualifications in regions. We generally have to send our people to Brisbane to attain such qualifications.

What is the biggest opportunity for your business right now?

The growth of the renewable energy sector and the ever growing need for businesses to reduce energy costs and meet the emission reduction targets is key to our growth. We are also installing numerous electric vehicle charging stations across Queensland to meet the increase of EV’s on our roads and in our mines.

What is the business most proud of?

Linked is very proud of the fact we have been operating our business OFF THE GRID for almost 5 years now. We have demonstrated that it is not only possible to run a manufacturing business with renewables but also that it is a cost effective solution, we have saved in excess of $250,000 dollars in electricity charges in that time.

Community or other causes close to its heart and values?

Linked has always been very dedicated to giving back to the community in which we live, we have donated to many charities, sporting clubs, school and community events in the last 13 years.

Any funny or heartwarming stories to share?

Linked has an Electric Vehicle Charging station, in our car park in Paget, that is open to the public for anyone that has an electric vehicle to come and charge up for free as our energy is free from the sun. We ask that anyone that does so just make a Gold Coin donation to CQ Rescue. It seems to be getting used more and more, which is great to see.

Any employees that deserve a shout out?

The whole team at Linked deserves a shout out for believing and working tirelessly toward our goal of “Driving Change for a Sustainable Future”. 

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