Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue

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The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue congratulates councillors elected to local councils in the December local government elections – including almost a dozen new faces.

Local voters in Singleton, Muswellbrook and Upper Hunter shire councils elected a total of 11 new councillors.

As well as re-connecting with re-elected council members, the Dialogue is keen to brief new members on Dialogue projects and activities.

The Dialogue has a strong history of involvement with local government and all three Upper Hunter-based councils are key Dialogue partners.

Council officers are members of Dialogue working groups and the councils make valuable input into Dialogue strategies and projects.

The Dialogue is particularly keen to grow community involvement in its activities.

The Dialogue believes councillors – both new and incumbent representatives – are valuable conduits to their local communities.

Councillors’ front-line interaction across all sectors of their local communities gives them first-hand knowledge of community members’ priorities and concerns; which could play a valuable role in Dialogue planning and activities.

The Dialogue looks forward to meeting with all three councils and their new members in the near future.

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