Glencore has provided more than $270,000 for school projects as part of the latest round of funding from their Schools P&C Grants program.
The funding has been put towards important projects that address long term needs of schools.
A total of 21 grants were made during the current round of funding with projects ranging from the purchase of new technology to installation of additional seating and sun safe equipment, and noticeboard signage.
“It’s wonderful to have such a high level of interest in these grants and to be in a position to provide such a large number of schools with funding for key projects,” said Glencore’s Community Relations Manager, Craig Strudwick.
“These schools are located within communities that are central to our Australian coal business, so it’s extraordinarily important to us that we continue to support them.
“It’s extremely rewarding to see them moving forward.”
Mt Pleasant Public School, a school of 53 students, is investing in new technology such as laptops and robotic and engineering equipment.
With a grant of $13,165, they have budgeted to purchase coding activities that will provide hands on experience in creating, building and testing design.
“Our school community is grateful for the generosity of Glencore over many years,” Mt Pleasant Public-School P & C President, Mrs Jane Bower, said.
“The financial support has enabled the school to purchase state-of-the-art electronic and robotic learning resources.
“Our dedicated teachers can use these additional resources to enhance the focused and quality education the students at MPPS already receive.
Of the 21 grants delivered, 8 were to schools in New South Wales worth almost $110,000, with the remaining 13 schools based in Queensland.
Muswellbrook High School was granted $12,250 for picnic tables which will provide much needed additional seating for meal breaks and Muswellbrook South Public School received $15,000 for two giant fans, one for above the stage area of the hall, while the other is for a covered outdoor learning space.
St Catherine’s Catholic College, Singleton needed weatherproof and SunSmart seating for their sports fields. Glencore funding of $14,820 will deliver seating that will also provide an additional lunch area.
Nearby the Singleton High School received $13,965 to purchase 16 sets of iSTEM Virtual Reality Headsets and Singleton Heights Public School will use their $14,000 grant to purchase safety rubber soft fall for their new play equipment.
Kirkton Public School will put the $14,000 they’ve secured towards a vegetable garden, kitchen benches and teacher training and King Street Public School plan to use more than $10,000 in funding for the time-honoured ‘Cracker Night’, which has been held within the Singleton community for over 20 years.
The Glencore Schools P&C Grants program has been, and continues to be, a fantastic initiative for our Hunter Valley youth and community.