Community and industry representatives gathered at Moura on May 9 for the official naming of the Emergency Landing Site in the Multi-Purpose Health Service (MPHS) grounds.
Gangalu Elder, Mr Desmond Hamilton welcomed guests to Country, emphasising how important it is to have a hospital and doctors in the community.
The event was hosted by the Moura MPHS Community Advisory Group (MCAG). MCAG member and Director of Nursing Trevor Davis stated how vital the RACQ CapRescue and Emergency Landing Site (ELS) are in supporting the hospital and doctors.
DON Trevor Davis stated that, “There had been 43 uplifts or transfers of patients since May 2020.”
Mayor Neville Ferrier, Banana Shire congratulated the Moura community on building the ELS as he opened and officially dedicated the critical facility as the Merv Mason Emergency Landing Site.
Mayor Ferrier said, “Merv Mason was a true working man of the Dawson Valley. Merv bequeathed a gift of $10,000 to help initiate his vision of having an Emergency Landing Site at Moura Hospital.
“The Moura MPHS Community Advisory Group (MCAG) led by Debbie Elliott, DON Trevor Davis and Sergeant Paul Chiles developed and coordinated the project.”
Debbie Elliott, MCAG Chairperson said, “The Emergency Landing Site in Moura is an outstanding example of positive partnerships between community, government, industry and business.”
Mayor Ferrier acknowledged Anglo American, Banana Shire Council, Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service, Kalari, Moura Apex Club, Moura Men’s Shed, Moura Multi-Purpose Health Service (MPHS) Auxiliary, Moura MPHS Community Advisory Group, R&N Nash Concreting Service and Queensland Nitrate Plant for funding and in-kind support that enabled the ELS to be built.
MCAG Member, Sergeant Chiles explained that, “Having the Landing Site in the MPHS grounds allowed the RACQ Rescue Helicopter to safely land at any time, without police and ambulance support.”
Today RACQ CapRescue uses the ELS to provide lifesaving care and transport for patients in the Moura community and surrounding district.