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Resources WIDE @ The Coalface

The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has launched an important new initiative to create job opportunities for groups currently under-represented in the mining and energy workforce.

The Resources WIDE (Workforce Inclusion & Diversity Engagement) project has been developed thanks to $963,000 made available through the Queensland Government’s Workforce Connect Fund.

QRC Chief Executive Officer Janette Hewson said a new Digital Hub will support resources companies to implement diversity and inclusivity initiatives that will aid in the attraction, retention and advancement of people from diverse backgrounds.

“This initiative is focused on making the resources sector in Queensland a better, more inclusive place for people from underrepresented groups to work. 

That includes women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from culturally diverse backgrounds, veterans, refugees, and neurodiverse people.

“The QRC worked with a number of key delivery partners to deliver the project including CQUniversity who developed a suite of research backed tools and guides and Social Traders who advised on social enterprise procurement to build diversity.

Janette said Resources WIDE was developed with strong support from the Queensland resources sector.

“Multiple QRC member companies committed time and resources over the past 12 months to help make the project a success.

“That included participation in project working groups and steering committees, assistance with research as well as putting forward the real ‘talent’ and photo shoot location that will form the centrepiece of the Resources WIDE website and marketing campaign material.

“It features real people from our sector, all of whom are from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups and are forging great careers with resources companies in Queensland.

“The modern Queensland resources sector provides great career opportunities for tens of thousands of Queenslanders and it’s important that those opportunities are available to people from all backgrounds.

“Companies understand that a strong focus on workforce inclusion leads to greater diversity and that’s good for workers and good for business.”

Resources WIDE @ The Coalface
(L-R) Janette Hewson (QRC CEO), Huong Le (CQ University), Upamali Amarakoon (CQ University).


Resources WIDE provides a range of research-backed tools and practical guides, designed especially for the Queensland resources sector, to help organisations build a strong culture of diversity and inclusion in their workplace.

We know that diversity and inclusion are good for society. But there’s now a mountain of evidence to show that embracing the differences in your employees is good for business as well – from unlocking more innovation and creativity to improving productivity, profitability and employee retention.

When employees feel included and valued, they feel more engaged with their work. They are more likely to bring new perspectives to the table. To innovate and be more productive. In short, a diverse and inclusive workforce is likely to perform better. And inspire others to perform better too.

Attracting and retaining new talent is a big challenge for the resources industry. By opening up your recruitment to attract people from diverse backgrounds your business can unlock a much wider talent pool.

The Resources WIDE Digital Hub brings together the very latest, research-based strategies and ideas to provide your organisation with the tools you need to attract, build and retain a stronger, more diverse and more productive workforce.

It is especially helpful for small to medium-sized enterprises looking to implement diversity and inclusion initiatives and those companies wanting to expand and diversify their talent pools.

Wondering where to start? Resources WIDE has got you covered with an easy online survey to assess your organisation’s level of readiness to help identify where to go next.

Then to ensure you achieve your goals, Resources WIDE suite of tools and guides – covering everything from case studies to guidelines to templates – will help you implement the support systems and strategies that can transform your organisation’s culture and unlock new potential in all your employees.

Resources WIDE @ The Coalface

Unlock the power of diversity in your workplace at https://resourceswide.com.au

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