Port Waratah Delivers Sustainable Outcomes in 2021

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From today, local community members and stakeholders can explore Port Waratah’s environmental, social and economic performance through their 2021 annual reporting suite.

The suite includes the Sustainability Report, Annual Financial Report, Modern Slavery Statement and a dedicated Sustainability website offering an engaging digital experience.

Port Waratah recorded a number of positive environmental achievements last year. This included achieving its lowest annual greenhouse gas emissions intensity and a 34 per cent reduction in potable water consumption. Water saving initiatives at the Carrington Terminal that contributed to this achievement were recognised when Port Waratah won the ‘Love Water Love Business Award’ at the Hunter Business Awards.

Port Waratah’s CEO, Hennie du Plooy, said the positive environmental outcomes achieved were the result of increased awareness and committed action of the Port Waratah team.

“Sustainability is part of everything we do,” said Mr du Plooy. “Living our values of caring, integrity, progress and excellence drives us responsibly manage potential environmental impacts as well as the social and governance aspects of our business.

“Being a sustainable business means that we strive to meet our stakeholders’ expectations over time by continuously improving our performance and delivering a high-quality, cost-effective service to our customers.

“We aim to build relationships based on trust and reporting transparently on all aspects of our business is a key element of those relationships. That is why our reporting also includes a performance snapshot that highlights a core set of targets important to our community and key stakeholders.

“We delivered many significant environmental projects and improvements in key areas such as dust management, potable water consumption, energy efficiency and waste diverted from landfill, helping us to play our part in reducing demand on resources in the Hunter.

“We delivered largely uninterrupted services to our customers despite significant industry volatility, weather disruption and of course the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are also proud to support local business partners. Last year, we spent more than $85 million locally on suppliers, materials and services in the Hunter and Central Coast and we thank them for their outstanding efforts to secure our needs during a challenging year for supply chains.”

The 2021 Annual Reporting suite and Sustainability website are available under Annual Reports at pwcs.com.au. The 2021 Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative.

The Financial Report provides an overview of Port Waratah’s financial performance and disclosures, while the Modern Slavery Statement outlines our intent and actions aimed at eliminating slavery, servitude and debt bondage from our organisation and supply chain.

“I am proud that Port Waratah is reporting on our sustainability performance to the community more comprehensively and transparently than ever before. As always, stakeholder feedback about our operations is welcome and encouraged,” said Mr du Plooy.

Have your say. The Local Voices Community Survey is open now, we encourage our local community to share their thoughts about our operations, how we can improve our performance and new opportunities for community support.

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