Now the federal election is over, all those who sought election to represent their local community deserve our thanks. It’s a tough job, involving a lot of hard work and sacrifice, so it was great to see good people were prepared to take a chance and run for Parliament.
Congratulations to Dan Repacholi who was elected as the new federal Member for Hunter. Dan has previously worked as a local coal miner and understands the importance of mining in providing jobs and economic growth to the Hunter.
Following his win, Dan commented that ‘while people want to buy our coal we will sell them our coal, there’s no doubt about that one at all.’ It’s an encouraging sign that Dan will continue the legacy of former Member for Hunter, Joel Fitzgibbon who was a great supporter of the local coal sector.
Congratulations also to re-elected local MPs Meryl Swanson, Pat Conroy and Barnaby Joyce. All represent mining communities in the federal Parliament, and understand the needs of local mining families in their respective electorates.
We look forward to continuing to work with all MPs from mining regions to help deliver better outcomes for mining communities and families across NSW.
Stephen Galilee, CEO, NSW Minerals Council