Kyle Rides for Kids

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As I write this, Kyle Large is riding a Postie bike through regional Queensland. By the time you read this he will have ridden for nine days and covered around 2,000km.

Kyle, who is a Maintenance Planner at Glencore’s Collinsville Open Cut, is particiapting in the Postie Bike Safari, an annual charity event that raises funds for Childhood Cancer Support. His journey kicked off from Mackay on July 27 and will see him travel all the way to Chillagoe before he turns around and heads back to Mackay where he is due to arrive on August 4.

Riding a Postie bike for eight days is a big commitment and for Kyle it’s not even the first time he has put his hand up for the event, as he also participated last year.

“It came about from a good mate Steve Tregear,” said Kyle. “He was looking for someone to ride with him last year and as soon as he told me what he was doing and about the cause I was in.

“When I went into it last year, I didn’t know much about Childhood Cancer Support, so it was a real eye opener. Hearing stories from families about what the charity has done for them was pretty emotional. Having my own baby made it very real and made me more determined to help as much as I can. I would want her to have that support if she ever needed it.”

Kyle said each day the riders do around 300km and even with frequent stops to refuel the bikes, it’s not as easy as you might think.

“It’s pretty tough. Doing 80km an hour on a little bike with not much in the way of suspension can be challenging.”

Kyle said that the comradery and encouragement of the other riders and support crew makes it a lot easier.

“If you break down then everyone will get in and give you a hand to get you up and running again. At the end of the day, if you need a hand setting up your swag there’s always someone happy to help. There’s no bickering or competitiveness, we are all here for the same reason.”

And it’s a damn good reason. Childhood Cancer Support is a family-focused charity that has been supporting Queensland families since 1975 with practical, hands-on family support, home away from home accommodation and transport services for children with cancer. They provide not only a home for families, but a loving community to support them through a traumatic journey.

Last year Kyle’s goal was to raise $10,000 for the charity, which he surpassed, so this year he decided to up the ante, with a new goal of $15,000. So far, Kyle has well exceeded his target, but he hopes people will continue to donate as the fundraising page will still be open for weeks.

“Every contribution will help make a difference in the lives of children battling cancer and their families. The funds will go towards vital resources, support services, and hope to those who need it the most.

“I’m overwhelmed with the support I have received. I have to thank Clermont Open Cut as they have been great too, supporting internal fundraisers and allowing me to take time off from work.

“I am grateful for every donation as they all add up and will help make a difference.”

Kyle, and all the riders in the event, cover their own upfront cost to participate, as well as other costs such as accommodation, food, and time off work. And of course, the cost of the Postie bike. Kyle was quick to dismiss his own contribution, saying it was a privilege to be able to raise money for Childhood Cancer Support and help families who are going through such a difficult time.

“The unsung heroes are the people behind the scenes who put in the work to make this event happen. They’re the ones I admire the most,” he said.

If you would like to donate to Childhood Cancer Support head to Kyle’s fundraising page at:

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