Glencore Grants

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Since 2012, Glencore have invested more than $1.5 million in supporting over 150 junior sports organisations in NSW and Queensland with their Junior Sports Development Program and your club could join the list.

The Glencore program is a fantastic way to encourage the health and fitness of our kids by providing funding to local clubs and organisations. Organisations like Branxton Greta Little Athletics Club. Glencore provided them with a $7500 grant through the program to purchase much needed new equipment including adjustable hurdles, high jump mats and accessories.

Club President John Hamson told us that the club had all but folded two years ago and was in a very poor state, with a desperate need of some new equipment.

“The children couldn’t participate in certain events due to the lack of equipment or practice for rep carnivals. The club also accommodates three local primary school’s athletics carnivals and they too were affected,” he said.

John said applying for the grant was very easy to do and they were ecstatic when they found out it had been accepted.

“The kids love the new equipment and it’s really made a big difference. We’ve been able to run training and coaching sessions and their performance has improved so much that this week we are sending our largest ever team to regional championships. We are so grateful to Glencore and I recommend to all clubs out there that need a helping hand to apply this year. I know we will!”

Glencore runs two rounds of grants in the program each year in both NSW and Queensland. The first round of NSW grants for 2019 are open now and will close on March 3.

The program supports clubs and associations with projects that address the long-term needs of junior (U18) participants. Communities associated with Glencore’s operations will be prioritised, such as Cessnock (LGA), Mid-Western (LGA), Muswellbrook (LGA) and Singleton (LGA).

Clubs from these areas who have not previously received funding through this junior sports development program during the past two years are encouraged to apply, although past recipients are also welcome to apply.

Applications are made online at:

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