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Bowen State High School has received a grant from the QCoal Foundation to support their “Engage to Achieve: Nurturing Great Humans” project.

The project is a Social and Emotional Wellbeing project for secondary students who are more at risk of disengagement, have barriers to education, aggressive behaviours or prior suspensions.

Its success has been recognised by the QCoal Foundation who has recently provided Bowen State High School with a $7,000 Community Growth Grant to help start the project.

The QCoal Foundation started in 2011 and supports many community-led initiatives through their Community Grant Program. QCoal is an independent Queensland-based company who has been active in coal exploration in the state since 1989.

QCoal operates half a dozen mines in the northern Bowen Basin extracting millions of tons of coal per year through both open-cut and underground operations.

With such a large footprint in the Bowen community, QCoal supports as many community programs as possible, particularly those that benefit the young in the region.

Bowen High’s “Engage to Achieve” program uses a multi-tiered approach to re-engage students in positive learning at school or can facilitate entry into work experience or employment if that’s what is best for the student.

Principal of Bowen State High School Robert Harris said the funding will assist with workshop fees, resources and equipment like booklets and stationery, work experience equipment like PPE and allow students to undertake their white card.

“The project will deliver workshops to students in relation to mental health, wellbeing & finding/telling your truth. Some students will be required to complete their white card certification to be able to undertake work experience in the Council or mining related industries.

“It is widely known that disengaged students will have a higher rate of dropping out of school and being unemployed. This component will boost young people’s knowledge, confidence, and self-belief to gain worthwhile employment.

“The aim of the program is to increase engagement and confidence in students on how to have meaningful conversations thus building their social, emotional capacity and improving their mental health and wellbeing. This will allow students to re-engage into positive school learning and engagement.”

The program will also benefit staff’s understanding of how mental health and emotional wellbeing impacts academic, social, and adaptive function and support students so they feel safe and supported at school.

Parents won’t get out of it scot-free; they will be encouraged to get involved in the program as well.

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