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Dartbrook @ The Coalface

On September 4, Dartbrook Mine successfully produced ROM coal to the surface from the Kayuga seam after the mine was placed into care and maintenance in 2006.

Dartbrook is a Joint Venture between Australia Pacific Coal (AQC) and Tetra Resources. AQC acquired the mine in 2016 when former billionaire Nathan Tinkler was the managing director at the company. His tenure didn’t last long, resigning the following year, but it was long enough to sign over the mine site. Since then, AQC has been working to restart operations.

The terms for recommissioning the mine were finalised in 2022 and in April last year the joint venture agreement was finalised.

In July continuous miners cut quantities of coal for a lab testing. Coal that was cut during that period was storied in the underground storage bin in preparation for the completion and testing of the conveyor system.

Dartbrook @ The Coalface

With the conveyor now operational, the conveyor and mining systems will now enter a commissioning period before commercial production starts.

The conveyor system is designed to transport the ROM Coal produced from the Kayuga seam to surface, via the Hunter Tunnel, where it is then processed at the Coal Handing and Preparation Plant (CHPP).

For now, Dartbrook will only utilise the dry plant (stockpiling, crushing, train load-out facilities) and produce unwashed thermal coal for sale to domestic or export customers.

AQC Managing Director & CEO Ms Ayten Saridas said commissioning is underway and the team on the ground is working hard to bring the mine safely into commercial production.

“By producing coal to surface, we have demonstrated the exciting potential of the Dartbrook mine. To do so in such a short period is an extraordinary achievement.

“In just 18 months, we have simplified the joint venture, secured USD60 million in restart capex, finalised land and water access agreements, dewatered and refurbished the Hunter Tunnel, sourced and commissioned mining equipment, and installed a brand-new 4 km conveyor system.

Dartbrook @ The Coalface

“I am proud of the dedication and efforts by everyone who has contributed to and supported the restart of Dartbrook.

“There is still work to be done to achieve commercial production and we remain focused on our goal of making Dartbrook a world-class underground mine. We are close to finalising Port and Rail agreements and a Working Capital facility; the results of the bulk sample testing for thermal quality and met coal potential are anticipated this quarter; and preparations for the CHPP refurbishment are well advanced.

“With no new coal mines being sanctioned, this is an exciting time for everyone involved in the Dartbrook restart project and we look forward to cementing our place as the Hunter Valley’s newest coal producer.”

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