Benefiting My Community

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Applications are open for the first 2023 round of BHP Mt Arthur Coal’s Benefiting My Community Program. Community organisations and not-for-profits in the Upper Hunter are encouraged to apply for grants up to $10,000.

Mt Arthur Coal are always looking for meaningful ways to contribute and this bi-annual program not only allows them to build long term relationships with community groups, but also create long lasting community benefits.

Adam Lancey, Vice President NSW Energy Coal, said that they are looking to reach as many organisations as possible who could put the grants to good use.

“The Benefiting My Community program is about reaching the organisations and small businesses that are the heartbeat of our community,” said Adam.

“We want to help smaller organisations who make big impacts, and there are a lot in the Upper Hunter and Singleton that do incredible work.

“The program has been running for many years now and we’ve seen some wonderful outcomes with the funding used for everything from community events to improving facilities to grassroots programs.”

For example, in the last round Witmore Services used their funding to purchase an icy machine for the Riverside Kiosk and Singleton Mountain Bike Club received funding for track repairs.

They also have some recipients who apply each year and use their funding for annual community events such as the Upper Hunter Show and the Aberdeen Highland Games.

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“It’s all about supporting organisations that contribute to the wellbeing of our communities,” said Adam.

If you would like to apply email or for questions regarding the grants contact Claire Killeen at Applications close 1st March.

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