Be a Hero

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I’ve helped save the lives of over 50 people. No, I’m not a firefighter or a doctor. I just donate blood.

Did you know that 1 in 3 Australians will need blood in their lifetime? Some may be in an accident and need a transfusion. Others have medical conditions which mean they need blood products regularly to stay alive. There are no perfect substitutes for human blood and it’s only through blood donations that these people will survive.

Even though 1 in 3 Australians will need blood, only 1 in 30 Australians donate blood.

You’ve probably walked past one of the Red Cross Blood Service’s vans and thought to yourself, I should donate, yet keep walking and think next time. I’m here to tell you to stop at the van or get online and make an appointment today because there are so many benefits in donating. Not just for the people whose lives you save, but for yours too.


It’s an amazing feeling knowing you are doing your part to save lives. Every time you donate blood, you can help up to 3 or 4 individual recipients.


Donating blood stimulates blood cell production which helps in maintaining good health. It’s also helps in lowering the risk of cancer and heart disease and reduces risk of hemochromatosis, a health condition that arises due to excess absorption of iron by the body. Plus, it is also beneficial in reducing the risk of heart and liver ailments caused by iron overload in the body.


Before you donate you will undergo some basic health checks such as testing your blood pressure. They’ll also test for infectious diseases.


One blood donation will shed as many calories as a good workout. Has there ever been a better excuse to skip the gym!


Did I mention free snacks? Yep, it will vary at each location, but I guarantee cookies!


If you are between the age of 18 and 70 and are in good health, then you will most likely meet the requirements to donate blood. There are exceptions such as getting a recent tattoo, being pregnant, or engaging in high risk activities. Head to the Australian Red Cross Blood Service website and take their eligibility quiz and then book yourself an appointment today. Be a hero.

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