Ulan takes First Place in First Aid

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Ulan Surface Operations Team. L-R: Stuart Marr, Chris O’Neill, Greg Reynolds (Captain) and Luke Robinson.

Spider bites, electrocution and severe bleeding were just some of the injuries confronting teams at the Coal Services Western Region First Aid competition held near Mudgee on July 14.

Six teams competed at the event, with Glencore’s Ulan Surface Operations taking home the winning title.

The teams were challenged through simulated emergency first aid situations to test their CPR skills, ability to triage a multi-casualty emergency event and their knowledge of first aid theory.

Kirsty Bates, General Manager – Health, explained that the first aid competition isn’t limited to mines rescue brigades.

“The first aid competition focuses on domestic first aid scenarios, the types of accidents that you might come across at home, at the workplace or in the community. Teams have to respond using limited equipment, for example a basic first aid kit that you would find in these situations, until further paramedic or medical assistance arrives.”

Mark D’Elboux, Mines Rescue Western Regional Manager, said the event is an opportunity for teams to test the skills they learn through first aid training at Mines Rescue.

“Many of the people we train work in remote locations where timely first aid can be life-saving. The scenarios are as close to real life as it gets and require teams to manage environmental and equipment hazards as well as multiple injuries and distressed casualties.

“In each scenario, teams are judged on how well they work together with limited equipment and how well they responded to each situation, as well as their first aid proficiency.”

ATCF 26.1 Health 2

Ulan Surface Operations Emergency Response Team Captain, Greg Reynolds, said he was incredibly proud of his team for taking home the title.

“It’s great to be able to compete at competitions like this, where we can test our skills and refine our emergency responses,” Greg said.

“The safety of our people is always a focus at Ulan Surface Operations and our results are a reflection of that ethos.”

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