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This May, CS Health is proud to promote Exercise Right Week, developed by Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA).

This year’s theme, ‘Just Move’ highlights the benefits of adding just 30 minutes of movement into your daily routine – creating small changes that can lead to significant improvements in both physical and mental health.

In the NSW mining industry, an alarming 87% of miners are overweight or obese, which is often attributed to a lack of physical activity.

Ethan Jardim, Exercise Physiologist at CS Health, understands the unique hurdles coal miners can face when trying to lead a more active lifestyle.

“The coal mining environment creates distinct challenges for maintaining physical fitness. From 12-hour shifts and limited daylight to rotating rosters and family obligations, these daily realities for our workers can make it seem like it’s too difficult to become more active. However, incorporating small, manageable increments of physical activity into your routine is achievable and has important health benefits.”

For workers who aren’t currently very active, CS Health recommends starting small and gradually increasing activity, beginning with simple, achievable goals. For example, a post-work walk around the block with your family or pet can start a weekly habit and progressively become more frequent.

Ethan recommends, “On days off, try to engage in activities you enjoy, such as swimming, cycling, or even a quick game of footy. Look to options for both indoor and outdoor exercise – you can remain flexible and adapt to changing weather conditions or limited daylight.”

Work, family and social commitments leave many of us with little time to take leisurely long walks or hit the gym, so Ethan has a practical tip for those with packed schedules.

“YouTube workouts are a perfect fit for miners. They require no travel, minimal preparation, and can be squeezed into any tight morning schedule, ranging from quick 10-minute sessions to more extensive 30-minute workouts.”

CS Health challenges all workers to ‘just move’ for 30 minutes a day for 30 days in May.

For more information go to www.coalservices.com.au
To join the challenge, head to www.exerciseright.com.au

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