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Smart Transformation has kicked off its brand new Volunteering Project – to both celebrate existing community volunteers and attract new helpers to not-for-profit organisations and sporting groups.

With support from BMA, the Smart Transformation Volunteering Project will increase community awareness of the need for volunteers to keep important community events on the social calendar and to keep local clubs and organisations running.

The project includes a series of social media videos featuring many of Moranbah’s well recognised volunteers, with Smart Transformation Advisory Council (STAC) Moranbah project lead and active community volunteer Amanda Raymond encouraging the people of Moranbah to put their hands up to help.

“If everyone did just a few hours a week, we will continue to be able to put on fantastic community events,” Amanda said.

“But without volunteers, those events are at risk.”

The campaign will run throughout 2024, showing appreciation for current volunteers while also encouraging new volunteers to share the workload.

Moranbah Miners Junior Rugby League U13 Coach Mark Neil has been volunteering for about seven years and recommends making the effort.

“It’s good, I really like it. You get a lot out of it,

“Hopefully the kids get a lot out of it, I really enjoy it.”

Mark solved the problem of his weekly roster by teaming up with a mate, and they take turns to coach the kids depending on who is at work.

“Give it a go, it’s definitely worth it,” Mark said.

“It helps the Club and the team out, and the kids out a lot too.”

Anyone looking to help their local club or community organisation is encouraged to contact other volunteers through the organisation’s Facebook page.


There’s no doubt about it – Amanda Raymond loves to volunteer.

“Volunteering is everything. Volunteering is everything to me,” Amanda said.

“When you volunteer, you give – but you also get so much back.”

Awarded Isaac Regional Council’s Citizen of the Year on Australia Day, Smart Transformation Advisory Council member Amanda is well known as a tireless volunteer for Moranbah Arts, having organised countless social and theatrical events for the town over many years, including last year’s successful production of Grease, while also volunteering for Girl Guides.

Amanda also works in collaboration with Dysart Arts and Clermont Artslink, helping other volunteers across the region.

“Volunteers help the culture of a town… what that town is made of. So when a town is so ingrained with volunteers and there’s events, there’s a great culture in the town,

“If you have no volunteers, you have no culture, you have no community. That’s the end of it.”

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But Amanda is encouraging others to also step up.

Her message is simple – not only is it easy to volunteer for ‘just one job’ with your community or sporting group, but volunteering is good for you.

“The rewards are great, and you feel like you’re doing something good.

“Clubs are struggling everywhere, so we’re going to run this education and awareness campaign to remind people that we all need to play a role.

“Without our volunteers, all the fun stops in Moranbah – so put your hand up and volunteer this weekend.”

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