Local organisations looking to kick-start a project that supports a vibrant and thriving port community are encouraged to apply for funding through Port of Newcastle’s annual Your Port, Our Community sponsorship program.
The sponsorship program supports local organisations, groups and charities to deliver initiatives or projects that benefit those who live, work and play by the harbour.
This year, a total of $90,000 will be available. While there will not be a cap on the amount that can be applied for in the funding pool, Port of Newcastle will choose projects that best align with its priorities to deliver a positive outcome for the local community.
CEO Craig Carmody said there was a record number of applications in 2021, with 13 successful local organisations receiving funding for projects ranging from wetlands rehabilitation and family-friendly sustainability events, to historical signage and youth development programs.
“Over the past two years the Port has provided close to $170,000 in grants to 24 local organisations for projects that provide social, economic and environmental outcomes for the community of Newcastle and the city’s visitors,” he said.
For further information, or to apply for the 2022 Your Port, Our Community sponsorship program, visit portofnewcastle.com.au/sponsorship/ Applications close 5pm on Friday 18 November 2022. |