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MEU Coalface

Three new full-time officials joined the ranks of the MEU Queensland District starting in July and they’ve hit the ground running representing members.

Our Union is a democratic organisation, with elections every four years (and during terms to fill vacancies as required) to fill the roles of our full-time officials as well as the rank and file representatives on our District and National decision-making bodies.

With our nationwide elections concluding in June, the new term for all elected officials began on 1 July. It was an honour to be returned as District President and I’m very pleased to have three new long-term union activists and experienced mineworkers elected into Vice-President roles, to join our team.

Jeff Pearce from Peak Downs mine and Brodie Brunker from Broadmeadow underground mine are our new Vice Presidents based in Mackay. Jeff and Brodie both have a deep understanding of issues affecting mineworkers from their experience on the job, their activism through their Lodges and raising their families in mining communities. Jeff has represented Queensland members on our MEU Central Council, which is our highest national decision-making body, while Brodie has represented members on our Queensland District Board of Management, our District’s highest decision-making body. 

Heath Timmins has been elected as Senior Vice President and will be based in our Rockhampton Office. Heath comes off the job at Dawson mine and has served as our Moura Lodge President, as well as a Central Councillor.

Heath, Jeff and Brodie join Vice Presidents Shane Brunker in Emerald and Jeff Scales in Rockhampton who were returned to their positions – along with our District Industry Safety and Health Representatives Jason Hill and Steve Watts.

With this team in place I’m confident we have the experience and energy to continue meeting the challenges our members face across Queensland’s coal mines, power stations and ports – which I must say are considerable.

From workplace safety to camp conditions, community infrastructure, energy transition, our changing industrial relations landscape and the predictable greed of our big mining companies, we are never short of a new challenge to keep us busy.

We recently held our quadrennial District Convention in Rockhampton. It was a great four days of debate and discussion with delegates from across Queensland on issues including winning pay rises for labour hire workers with new Same Job Same Pay laws, how we can protect the health of our members and how we can ensure our political representatives deliver practical outcomes for mining and energy workers. In particular, we focused on how we can keep organising workplaces to continue growing our membership.

A constant across the mining and energy industries is that workers win outcomes when they stand together through the union. There is a direct connection between union density and workers having better pay and conditions.

While it’s exciting to have a new team in place, we are sad to farewell our long-term Mackay-based Vice President Steve Pierce. Steve was an official of the MEU for 24 years after working in the industry, mainly at Saraji mine. Steve was a leader in our union representing members at BHP mines and negotiating the BMA Central Agreement which has long set the standard for wages and conditions in the Queensland coal industry. Steve’s depth of experience and commitment to members will be missed and we wish him all the best in retirement.

We were also devastated to lose our much-loved District ISHR Stephen “Woodduck” Woods, who lost his battle with cancer in May. Woodduck will always be remembered in our Union for his big heart and commitment to members’ safety and well-being.

Along with our full-time officials, new activists have stepped into Board and Central Council positions and we thank them for their commitment – along with all the unionists who play an active role in their workplace supporting their workmates every day.

Mitch Hughes

President Mining and Energy Union Queensland District

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