It’s certainly been another tough gig this month with the lockdowns in place for most of us. Although it does look like positive news might be finally on the way later in the month. Fingers crossed we can all get back into all things fishing soon.
This area can be a little hit and miss this time of year on the inshore reefs, it will really depend on what nature produces which could either be still more cold water trapped along the coast or a push of warm water to kick the pelagic season into gear. Let’s hope it’s option B and we don’t see relentless NE‘rs in the forecast.
On the inshore reefs we have been seeing some good numbers of Snapper and from the deeper reefs a few Pearlies. It’s definitely our favorite time to target these awesome fish from our local waters.
Mid to late Spring is when we see Kings turn it on inshore again, this will depend on when the first push of warmer water hits.
Lake Mac and Port Stephens
These areas will have endless opportunities this month no matter what the target species is. Flathead and Whiting will be mooching around the shallows, Bream will be on the structures and Jew will be on the move.
Crabs have started well and have been consistent numbers already, especially after the last full moon, so definitely something to think about later this month when the next full rolls around.
In these current times wetting a line anywhere along one of the Hunter or Port Stephen’s beaches would have to be the best way to soak up a bit of vitamin sea and score a fish or two. Bream and Salmon are the main targets but also Tailor around dawn and dusk with the odd Jew after dark.
Fresh Water
Some of the Hunter’s dams have opened back up and what a time for it to happen as the fishing probably doesn’t get any better as things begin to warm up. Bass have been and will continue to be active and feeding along the edges this month.
Keep floatin’ – Thrifty’s